The world may heave a sigh of relief any time from now over the Hamas- Israeli war with talk of a ceasefire in the air since Tuesday following a deal to release hostages the Hamas forces seized when they invaded Israel last month. Said Mr. Joe Biden, the United States President, bubbling with expectation on Tuesday:
“We are now very close, very close. We could bring some of these hostages home very soon, but I don’t want to get into the details of things because nothing is done until it is done. And, if we have more to say, we will. But things are looking good at the moment.” With considerable presence of mind arising from the expectation of relaxed mindless destruction of lives and property and the attendant huge humanitarian problems, Frau Hagil digs beyond the surface; she looks at the conflict from what she calls “the true root cause of the war,” from a higher thought-provoking perspective.
I born and raised in Israel. Like most Israelis, I was brought up to believe that all non-Jews hate us, because they are jealous that we are the chosen people and because we are the best. I was warned that I had to be careful of Germans (because they are all Nazis) and of Arabs (because even if they are nice, at the end of the day, they will stick a knife in our backs.)
In the year 2000, when I first moved to South Chile, all of these beliefs collapsed at once when I met a German woman and a Palestinian man, who became the closest friends. At that time Katharina, born in Berlin, became not just my friend, but my soul mate. And Joseph, who came from Bethlehem, was a beautiful reminder of the warm hospitality I experienced growing up in my childhood home, with my Middle Eastern parents. Thus began my long inner journey that will eventually lead to the collapse of all the false beliefs. I came to understand my moving to South America, as a period of my past so that I could discover the Truth from the highest heights—from the Light. It was then I became a new human being, and I knew that the time would come—during the days of the Final Judgment—when I would be asked to help other people—not only the people of Israel, but also of other nations. That is the goal of the ALMA schools, and it is also the purpose of this article today.
To understand what is going on in Israel today, we must first unveil and understand the true root cause of the war. And the root, as always—not just of war, but of all of humanity’s problem—is spiritual. I want to start the lecture today by explaining what the term ‘chosen people’ means, from a spiritual perspective. Based on the original meaning of this term, I will provide a brief overview of the history of the people of Israel, from the high perspective of the Light. A chosen person or a chosen people, are those who are close to the Light, to God. This means their spirit is at a higher level of development than others, and therefore they receive a special power in order to fulfill a mission and serve mankind. A chosen one is not one who arrogantly looks down on others and thinks he is better, and therefore, others should serve him! This is a distortion by the Darkness of the concept of being chosen. A fateful distortion which will bring about disastrous results to every chosen individual, and to the people of Israel as a nation. Being ‘chosen’ means bearing more responsibilities, not rights!
Therefore, a chosen one who fails in his role and mission, meaning he does not use the Power and the blessings given to him by the Light for the service of others—will bear the consequences of his failure in a much more severe manner than an ordinary person! With this definition and understanding in mind, let’s move on to history of the people of Israel.
About 1800 BC, Abraham was chosen to be the father of a great and new nation that would bring blessings to mankind, by bringing to the world the highest concept of Godhead that was possible at the time: “And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3). At around 1800-1500 BC the sons of Abraham, meaning the Israelites, were slaves in Egypt. However, it was precisely their suffering that led them to spiritual maturity and to the fulfillment of their mission, as the chosen people. Around 1500-1000 BC the Exodus from Egypt takes place, and the Israelites received through Moses, the greatest treasure, and the most powerful support, for their continued development—The Ten Commandments of God and the Laws of Creation. After many hardships in the desert, the Israelites reached the Promised Land. Before entering it they were given a warning to ensure they did not violate God’s Laws of Creation, because a violation against those Laws means treason against God and expulsion from the Holy Land, which expunges from its midst, whomsoever does not adhere to the highest moral behaviour.
The warnings were: “Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out.” (Leviticus 20:22). However, the people of Israel betrayed their God and violated the Laws of Creation which had been given to them, to bring them only blessings and prosperity. Around 600 BC, the prophet Jeremiah had warned the people of Israel that the first Temple would be destroyed if they did not purify themselves of their moral and spiritual decay. The prophet Ezekiel—who lived at the time—warned them of another reason the Temple would be destroyed: idolatry within the Holy Temple itself!
However, Jehoiakim and Zedekiah—the kings of the people of Israel at the time chose instead to engage in continuous rebellion against the Babylonian kingdom and blame these external enemies, rather than take responsibility for their internal strife. The people of Israel chose not to heed the admonitions of the prophets and instead chose to mock and attack all the messengers who were sent to them from the Light.
And so, in 586 BC, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, destroyed the Great Temple of Jerusalem. That is why it will not be incorrect to say that from a spiritual perspective the First Temple was destroyed by the evil Nebuchadnezzar, but rather because of idolatry, incest and needless bloodshed! In fact, the ancient Biblical commentaries tell us the Light intended for Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the Temple in order to execute the judgment of the Light upon the people of Israel as result of deviation from the Laws of Creation.
“When the evil Nebuchadnezzar came with the kings to Jerusalem they thought they would capture it in a short amount of time. But God strengthened the people of Jerusalem until the third year, for perhaps they would repent.” (Yalkut Shim’oni, Lamentations 1).
In 538 BC, following the proclamation of Cyrus, the founder of Persian Kingdom, the Jews were finally allowed to return from exile to the Land of Israel. They were even allowed to build there—for the second time –the Great Temple. However, as time went on, the Jews once again allowed the intellect to dominate their religion. They cultivated a corrupt lust for status and their deviation from the right path, again led to real danger. In the absence of true spiritual leadership, a group of zealots succeeded in dragging the entire nation of the people of Israel into rebellion against the Roman Empire despite the fact that they should have known, they would face brutal defeat.
This time, special help was sent from the Light. Help that was foretold by all the prophets—the coming of a Messiah. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and a Messiah came as a matter of emergency; the coming was announced by Angel Gabriel. The suffering caused by the cruelty of the Roman Empire once again enabled a small group of the people of Israel to maintain the connection with the Light so that the Messiah could be incarnated among the Jewish people. Jesus was born to these people because, according to the Law of Attraction of Homogenous Species, He could only have incarnated in flesh to a people whose way of life—despite past mistakes –were still closest to the Truth.
Jesus brought with Him the plan for redemption until the End-Time, but the people of Israel rejected it! Jesus was crucified! And this was the reason for the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. From the moment of the Messiah crucifixion, the people of Israel were stripped of their chosen status and sentenced to an exile of 2000 years. An exile of suffering, ceaseless persecution, inquisitions, massacres, and finally the Holocaust. All of this without ever realising why their fate was so dire. According to the Law of Karma, every effect has a cause.
So what have we sown as a people that this is what we reap? Why do we have such terrible collective Karma? How many more generations will live under this constant existential threat? The leadership of the Jewish religion—which continues to this day—hid from the people of Israel from the Truth about the Messiah’s plan for the salvation of humanity, that the Jewish people were supposed to spread to the whole world!
The leaders hid the fact that Jesus Christ was murdered because of the Divine Message He brought threatened the authority and teachings of the esteemed religious leaders who sought to obtain only money and power. This institution continues to feed the bad karma of the Jewish people by enacting terrible religious laws that discriminate between Jews and Non-Jews and which developed into racism. They fed that bad karma by distorting religion and taking the Name of the Lord in vain, which both kept many people away from believing in God, and bound others in blind, dogmatic faith.
The belief in many religions that the Messiah is yet to come —is a lie! It is the greatest lie in the history of the people of Israel! It is the biggest lie that needs to be exposed during this time when all truths will be revealed so that the collective karma of the people of Israel can finally change for the better! The exposure of this great lie will not pass over some religious organisations and denominations either because they have distorted the history of Jesus’ life and His Teachings severely, thus crucifying Him a second time! In fact, hardly will any religion be able to escape the revelation of the Truth of the Last Judgment because they have twisted the Word of God. There is only one Divine Word. There is only one Truth! Today we have a historic opportunity to correct this karma and it is crucial that we do not miss it again, like we did during Second World War.
Since the 19th century, Jews from all over the world have been returning to the Land of Israel. But this time, it was not the religious Jews that have been returning, but rather secular, young Jews who have no interest in following the religious doctrines. They immigrate to Israel with the purpose of creating a model for the new Jewish man who stands in complete contrast to the traditional, religious Jew: tall, strong, beardless and capable of working the land and especially capable of protecting himself so that there will never be another Holocaust.
This return to the Land of Israel was full of both positives and negative possibilities. What were the positives? To say goodbye to religious dogma and to connect with God and the Laws of Nature with a fresh slate, and thus return to the original Mission of spreading the Word of God to all nations. What are the negatives? Continuing to cultivate racism and arrogance as well as a culture of materialism and power, rooted in the belief that “my strength and the might of my hand brought me all this success.” These negatives are the realities in Israel today and have been accompanied by severe moral degradation, resembling what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah and in Atlantis.
Because the root cause of anti-Semitism, and especially of the Holocaust, has never been exposed, treated and cured—Israelis view and interact with Arabs also through a lens of post-trauma, whereby they hold the limiting belief that they are under a continuous existential threat, and only Israeli army (IDF)—which is the most powerful in the world—will then be able to save them. Since Israel relies on its strength and might, trusting only in its military, it ignores the lesson that is so evident in Jewish history: defeat or victory depends entirely on the moral strength of the people, nothing else. What does Hamas know that the majority of Israeli people do not know?
The Quran mentions the governance of the Holy Land and that God once gave to the people of Israel. As the chosen people, they ruled it twice and there they built two Great Temples. But because of their sins both Temples were destroyed, first by the Babylonians and next by the Romans to expel the people of Israel from the Holy Land because they had sinned against Him. The verses end with the words: “And if you return, we too will return!” These words are a key mantra of the Hamas, which interprets them as follows: ‘If you Jews return to sin, we will be the instruments to bring God’s Judgment on you.’
Throughout the 21 years I lived in South America, I witnessed how the Jewish community supported every operation and war in which Israel was involved. This support came first and foremost, from the fear that if the State of Israel was harmed, Jews outside of Israel would have nowhere to flee if there was a second Holocaust as a result of global rise in Islamic fundamentalism. This is another example of how this collective fear does not allow the spirit to ascend and open up to alternative solutions presented by the Light. This fear and physical distance from Israel also does not allow Jewish Diaspora and all those who support Israel’s side in war—to grasp the enormous cost of war, which creates and piles trauma upon trauma. These traumas will take generations to heal. Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes.” Isn’t it time to choose sanity and as a nation stop the horrific cycle?
During these Days of the Final Judgment, the Law of Cause and Effect operates at an accelerated speed, so that the cycle of karma will soon come to a close for each soul, each nation, and for all humanity. So, what will we choose: destruction or healing? We are not supposed to sit around and wait helplessly, to reap our bad karma. Rather, we are meant to atone for our sins and by so doing allow symbolic closing of the karmic cycle by the Grace of God. We do not need to fuel hatred and revenge. We also do not need a “quick fix pill,” for our fear to that will calm us, for only a few hours. Instead we need to undergo a spiritual awakening, in order to grasp the big picture about this time of the Final Judgment, and understand where we went wrong, so that we can correct our ways while we still have time.
We do not need to blame others but take responsibility and align ourselves with the Divine Laws of Creation. We must ascend; we cannot sink any lower. At the time of the greatest need, God’s help is closest to us than ever before! So, it has been since the beginning of time and so shall it be until the End of Days, for every human spirit that will swallow its pride, lift its eyes to the Heavens and open itself to God’s Help.
Frau Hagil is of ALMA School, Pretoria, South Africa.